
Monday, August 31, 2009

Hi, my name is Chris. I've been wanting to give blogging a go for awhile now. Finally I ran out of excuses to myself and here I am.

I am a woman who wants to use this platform to grow and to watch that growth within and without. What the hell am I talking about? Well, I know that I've experienced so much these last several years. I need a place to rant and to get some of those feeling out and to let them go.

Yes, I have friends but I know that I need more and writing is that little bit more.

Let me continue to introduce myself then. I am in my mid forties. Oh heck, all right, I am forty six. There, I said it. Yep, middle age but I don't look it or feel it. I know that I'm getting better as I age. I'm aging gracefully as they say. Tis, what I tell myself anyways.

Now, I'm starting over in every area of my life such as work, love(single again) and housing. I'm searching for a job. I've been out of the work force for the last ten plus years and before that my work history was terrible.

Anyways, that is one of my biggest concern right now. You'll hear me talking up a storm on that. This is my road to self reliance and self sufficiency.

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